I'm back bitches! That doesn't just mean in a blogging sense either, for those of you who don't know, I'm actually back in Perth! It's good to be home too!
But the show must go on.
I have been back for about 2 weeks now and haven't blogged in fuck knows how long because of a severe lack of interwebs EVERYWHERE I visited in the closing stages of the trip!
So I pick up in Berlin. Amazing place, traveling solo as well. All alone in the world, without a care or a clue.. This should be interesting.
First day in Berlin I walked out of my hostel and into a fricken anti nuclear protest! They were heading my way and I figured safety in numbers so why the hell not!
These Mofos know how to protest! This thing stretched around the whole area and then some! Thousands and thousands of people everywhere! I hopped on the train to the central station and even saw a bunch of people that had lit a fire and some others trying to flip a van!
This guy was bubbling with hate (lol)
Kept walking..
Uffie lookin scruffy.
Best bit of street art I saw all trip. Except some dickbag did a crips tag on it.
I thought you'd never ask.
Euro's will park their bikes anywhere... ANYWHERE!
Definition of a small business!
Best part; My hostel was a 30 bed dorm!! That's 30 bunks!! Concentration camp in Berlin??
Piss offffffff.
Anti Christ, disco coating. Anti Chrisco.
Hey John, this horse kind of looks like you!
Making friends from photo bombing!
Most offensive thing I saw on the Berlin wall... Or in general.
So much Graffiti.. So good!


I'm pretty sure a woman exploded here!
Currywurst aka CurryBest!
Cardboard Box Markets.
Just another church??
Holocaust Memorial - Rad.

Eastside Westside!

Berlin I love you, and we will meet again.