San Seb, if you don’t know, is named after its founder and funder, Sebastian the crab from The Little Mermaid. Due to the overwhelming success and popularity of his character in the movie, Sebastian, was able to retire young and had enough funding to pursue his life-long dream of town planning.

So in 1993 he set about the task. Torn between his two favourite countries, Spain and France he headed to the north point of Spain but still close to the French border with the intentions of creating a new town. A place where people could go to in Spain before heading to France but still coastal so he was never far from the Ocean.
Although no longer in this world (RIP) Sebastian’s legacy lives on in the town square where a gigantic statue has been erected in his honour. Designed by Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali and Mr. Squiggle, I feel, his essence has really been captured.

That picture may or may not of been taken in Barcelona..
So we were only in San Sebas for a couple of nights.. Here’s what I snapped.
First night and probably the highlight of San Seb was this dog that thought it was a person.

San Seb.
It still exists in the world.

That was it for the first night. Our hostel, while cool, was FILLED with Aussies. And I’m not talking fun loving Aussies like you or me.. I’m talking about “Ladsy” Aussies. These guys were good guys but once we finished pre-drinks and headed to a bar it was chaos. Smashing shit on the street, kicking bins, abusing locals. These dudes were going to get us beaten up for sure. We actually bailed them before we got in the bar it was that bad.
I wonder if they got a good deal on this because of the high amount of bull murders that take place in spain?


This guy, I actually spoke to, said he was from Barcelona originally but was banished from La Ramblas for eternity for sleeping with the mayors wife and not having the decency to take her out for a nice dinner. So he now resides in San Sebastian as the one and only street performer.
Note: May not of spoken to him.

Coolest deli name/banner ever.

So by this point, you probably noticed, we didn’t do to much there.. It was a very quiet, cruisey town.. HOWEVER!! We did manage to get our grubby little hands on some Spanish donuts. That’s right folks, Spanish donuts in Spain. 6 for 3 Euros. But the stinker at the counter must of fancied me because I got 7.

Oh and they don’t stinge with the chocolate sauce either. That’s a full mug of the goodness.. I couldn’t help myself.. I had to do it.

Stiffy got involved.

Oh one thing I really liked about San Seb was on top of one of the hills there there is this quite large statue of Jesus. This is about as close as I got sadly.

And that was about it really. Did some much-needed laundry and cured myself of any form of homesick.
Next stop Amsterdam. No didn't bang a hooker.
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